Anokhi K Panesar

“Being able to exhibit at the Vaisakhi event is really exciting for me as i’ll be able to showcase my art and represent my Kenyan Punjabi heritage. Currently being 17 years old, I hope to inspire other young people who enjoy art to never stop and follow their ambitions..”


Art for me has always been my form of a detachment from reality - putting my music on and just letting the music stimulate what I want to create. I’m very much inspired by the artists I listen to and this goes from the beat to the lyrics. Poetry also inspires what I create. Having an introverted mind has oddly enabled me to express through my art. Being able to exhibit at the Vaisakhi event is really exciting for me as i’ll be able to showcase my art and represent my Kenyan Punjabi heritage. Currently being 17 years old, I hope to inspire other young people who enjoy art to never stop and follow their ambitions.
